Magazine published quarterly and distributed by e-mail on format A4 (210 W x 297 H mm + 3 mm bleed); 10 % discount on yearly basis  (4 issues)

as for 1/1 page or more. Publishing dates: March 21, June 21, September 21 and December 21.


Digital material, high resolution pdf, ready to use, to

deliver 1 month before appearance


If no lay-out is available, UBJET can provide it;

tariff for publireportage: €100 - full page: €35 -

banner, ¼ or ½ page: €25


Material to be sent to Chief Editor Gilbert Menne, Avenue des Buissonnets 54, B-1020 Bruxelles;
e-mail: - Tél. +32 478 99 01 43

 Cover 4  500,-€
Cover 2 or 3 400,-€
1/1 page (210W x 297H mm + 3 mm bleed) 300,-€
1/2 page (210W x 148,5H mm) 175,-€
1/4 page (210W x 148,5H mm) 100,-€
Banner on homepage of the website 75,-€ per month (min. 6)
Advertorial of 2 pages 500,-€